Monday, September 27, 2010

The Color Wheel

Last week we made the color wheel with clay. The students really seemed to be enjoying themselves. I think one of them was giggling with excitement the entire time!

They were amazed with the fact that we made 3 of the colors (purple, orange, and green) on the wheel by mixing other colors.

Who doesn't love playing with clay?!
They all worked so hard on this art project.

They did an awesome job!
It was a fun day!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aren't they cute!

I just love my class... all 18 of them! (One is missing in this picture.) Look at how great they sit on the mat/rug! They got in their spots so quickly and quietly that
I just had to take a picture of them.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Love Manipulatives!

These pictures are from the first week of school. The class had fun playing with the math manipulatives.

Some made pictures.
Some made patterns.
Here are some more patterns.
Some made robots.
Some made houses.
Some made chains.

The students loved having the opportunity to play. Secretly they were doing math too!