Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall is Here!

With the leaves now falling, we decided to put them to some good use.
To do this art project all you need is a spray bottle of watered down paint, paper, and leaves.

I think they love doing art!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Making Apple Cider

We have had such a fun and busy week. Make sure to look at the last two blogs as well.
Today we had a mom from Mrs. Anderson's class bring an apple press.
Our two classes got together to make apple cider.

The students got to get an apple, wash it, and then throw it in the apple press.

Everything went smoothly.
Some of the students even shared the apple poem that they memorized.

Look at how much fun they are having washing their apples!

What a great line? They were on their best behavior!
A couple of the boys even got to help crank the apple press.
Mrs. Barton helped keep things in order.
Time for some apple cider, and boy was it good!
I think this will be memorable day in first grade for everyone!
I know I will remember it!

Apple Week

I first read the class a story about a worm looking for a home with a star in it.
They did not believe that it would find a star in an apple.
Then we cut our apples, and look what we found.
A star!

Mrs. Jaynes was a great help.
The students predicted how many seeds they would find in their apples,
and then they counted the seeds to if their prediction was correct.
Then they got to come and make apple prints.
They loved eating their apples! The apples sure were yummy!
They also wrote about their apples.

Here are some samples of their apple prints. Didn't they do great?
Here are all of their apple prints on our bulletin board.
As a class, we came up with a couple of sentences for our board.
They came up with something great!
There really is a star inside all of my little apples!

Skate Night

Skate night was a real hit. The students were having so much!
Some were scooting!
Some were skating!
Some were eating snowies!

Thanks for coming and having fun!